Principal’s Reflection Term 4 2024
Welcome to the Principal’s Reflection for Term 4 as we celebrate the end of another busy year!
Year 12 Graduation Mass and Ceremony
The Year 12 Graduation Mass and Ceremony held early in Term 4 are profoundly significant occasions in the life of our College. Graduation is a time for our senior students to come together with their peers and families to recognise the conclusion of their time at the College.
Held in the Bishop Justin Bianchini Gymnasium, the Graduation Ceremony was a symbolic milestone for all the graduating students. As part of this celebration, our College captains, Tyde and Ben, both spoke positively about their peers, teachers, and the College's support staff. Our Captains created a heartwarming atmosphere as they each reflected on their own personal journey and time at the College.
The evening provided an opportunity to recognise the achievements of these remarkable young adults. In closing, the departing Year 12 students were extended best wishes for their future, with the hope that they would carry fond memories of their time at the College and the valuable experiences they gained as they venture into the future. On behalf of everyone at Nagle Catholic College, I offer my sincere congratulations and best wishes to all our graduates.

Year 7 2025 Orientation Day
In preparation for their commencement at the College, our 2025 Year 7 students participated in an Orientation Day at the start of November. Our incoming students had the chance to meet with their Heads of House and House Captains, where they learned about life as a Nagle student and engaged in various activities throughout a very warm day. Whilst a few of these new students understandably began with some nervousness, they left the College brimming with excitement about the upcoming opportunities that await them next year.
Many staff members played vital roles in ensuring the day's success, and it's difficult to individually acknowledge them all here, however, I would like to extend special thanks to Mr Kerry Pile, who will serve as the Director of Students – Year 7 next year, who coordinated the day’s activities. I look forward to welcoming these new students when they officially commence at the College in 2025.
2025 Student Leaders
I had the pleasure of announcing our 2025 student leaders at the Commissioning Assembly this Term. As leaders, they have a significant role in continuing the welcoming and inclusive environment at the College. It was great to celebrate this momentous occasion with them and their families. During my address, I noted to our new College Student Leadership Council that leadership is NOT a path to privilege. Rather, true leadership is about putting the needs of others before your own and working towards the greater good for all members of the College community. This idea is sometimes referred to as servant leadership. It is the belief that leadership is about serving others and not about being served or using your position for your own benefit or sense of entitlement. Servant leadership is about making the right decision rather than the popular decision.
I congratulated all our Year 11 students on becoming our new Seniors at the College. I view every one of them as a leader and I look forward to the important contribution that they will make to the life of the College in 2025.
College Captains for 2025 - Saskia and Jarrad
Presentation Ceremony
The College’s Presentation Ceremony was held in early December. This was the first time this event was held during the day as opposed to the evening. This change was made to ensure as many students as possible in our community would be able to attend and participate in this important celebration of our students’ achievements in 2024. As a College, we are very proud of all of our students and the contributions they make to their own personal development, as well as to the growth of the College. The Presentation Ceremony was an opportunity to acknowledge this in the presence of families, staff and invited guests. The organisation of the Presentation Ceremony is complex and I thank Mr Murray Gardiner, Mrs Emma Maluish, Mrs Jasmin Welsh, and Mr James Softly for the coordination of this event. I also thank our students and staff who assisted with any aspects of the organisation, setting up or packing up.
Primary Schools Music Tour
In November, our Music students toured three of our feeder Catholic primary schools, performing and showcasing their talents to the younger students. Well done to all of our students who performed. The development of our Music programs this year has been amazing to watch under the direction of Head of Music, Mr James Softly. Thank you to Mr James Softly, Ms Erin Kelly, Mr Ian Weggler and Ms Sarah O’Malley for coordinating the tour. We all look forward to listening to even more amazing performances in 2025!
Year 12 2025 Student Leadership Day
I firmly believe that good leaders need to be nurtured and supported in their development, whether they be staff or students. That is one of the main reasons why the College has an annual leadership day for all appointed student leaders in readiness for 2025. These students spent the day with the Heads of House and members of the College Executive talking about what makes a good leader, along with considering some of the challenges and opportunities that leadership can present. Our student leaders found the day rewarding and I have no doubt that this experience will enhance their capacity as leaders next year.
End of Year
To all our staff who are leaving the College at the end of this year, I thank you for your dedication and support during your time at Nagle. I trust you have enjoyed your experiences here and that you are leaving with many happy memories of your time at the College. I wish you all the very best in the next phase of your life.
The College has now finalised the 2025 Calendar and it is available by clicking here.
Lastly, I extend the abundant blessings of the Advent season to all families in our community. Some of our students are leaving us this year for other educational opportunities locally, or intra and interstate and I wish you all the very best for your future success. To all our families, I wish you a restful and fruitful Christmas break. Thank you for your trust and support over the course of the year.
Mr Michael Williams