Our curriculum is adaptive and flexible, allowing for student choice and catering for interest and ability. We look to provide many courses which meet the needs of each student. With more than 50 ATAR, General, and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses offered to our Senior School students, we cater for varying academic abilities, interests and future intentions.
Lower School
Year 7
The College seeks to provide as broad an educational experience as possible for students in this transition year. Students explore a range of subjects in the Performing and Visual Arts and Digital and Design Technologies.
Students also study the core subjects of:
Religious Education
Health and Physical Education
Humanities and Social Sciences
All students in Year 7 study the following courses that assists them with the adjustment to life in a Secondary School environment.
Ignite Skills
Reading, Engagement and Discovery (R.E.A.D)
Year 9
Year 9s study the six core subjects - Religious Education, English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and Health and Physical Education.
Students also choose six Electives from any of the Arts, Specialist Physical Education courses, Technologies, Specialist Humanities and Social Sciences courses and Languages.
The Academic Curriculum Extension (ACE) program is offered to selected students. Students may choose no more than two Physical Education Options for the year.
Year 8
Year 8 students study the core subjects of:
Religious Education
Health and Physical Education
Humanities and Social Sciences
Students are able to choose Electives from a wide range of offerings, but must study a Performing Arts and a Visual Arts course and a Digital Technologies and a Design Technologies. The Academic Curriculum Extension (ACE) program is offered to selected students.
Year 10
Year 10s study the six core subjects - Religious Education, English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and Health and Physical Education. Students choose four Electives from Careers (Jumpstart programs), Arts, Languages, Specialist Physical Education courses, Specialist Humanities and Social Sciences courses and Technologies.
Students may choose no more than two Physical Education Options for the year.
Students select two Elective Courses per Semester to provide them with a more in-depth experience and as preparation for Years 11 and 12.
Senior School
Students in Years 11 and 12 study Religious Education, English (or Literature) and four other subjects on either an ATAR or General pathway. All subjects offered are accredited by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority of Western Australia and can lead to the completion of the WACE.
The College offers a rich selection of ATAR and General courses, Certificate courses, UniReady and online courses. We also offer a range of programs in
school under the banner of Vocational Education and Training (VET) including the Pre-Apprenticeship in Schools (PAiS) program, School Based Traineeships (SBT), and Workplace Learning (WPL). Please see our Careers & VET section
for more information.
To find out more about courses currently offered by the College, view the Curriculum sections and in the Course Handbook.
It should be noted that aside from Religious Education and English, all listed courses are offered subject to student demand.