Religious Education
Lower School
Religious Education is a learning area which focuses on the knowledge and understanding of the Gospel as it is handed on by the Catholic Church to those who follow Christ in today’s world. Students investigate a range of issues and topics facing the Catholic Church in contemporary society from different perspectives.
In addition to the curriculum content, students are involved in Caritas activities and fundraising during Lent as well as their Christian Service Learning.
The Lower School Religious Education programs are underpinned by the following outcomes:
Discovering God - students understand that people come to discover God through experiences in creation.
Drawing on Human Experience - students understand the content of the Christian message and its significance by relating it to examples from human experience.
Knowing Jesus - students know the person of Jesus, the model for living out the Christian mission in the world.
Living Like Jesus - Students understand that Christians are empowered to live like Jesus as they draw on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Catholic Practices - Students demonstrate the skills necessary in order to read and apply Scripture to life and to participate in Catholic ritual and prayer.
Senior School
In Years 11 and 12, students study ‘Religion and Life’ units which contribute towards WACE for graduation or ATAR for university entrance. Year 12 students can participate in a three day retreat and have the opportunity to take on roles in the Student Ministry & Vinnies Team.
The Religion and Life course is organised into a Year 11 syllabus (Units 1 and 2) and a Year 12 syllabus (Units 3 and 4). The cognitive complexity of the syllabus content increases from Year 11 to Year 12. Each unit of work in Years 11 and 12 is underpinned by the following outcomes:
Outcome 1 – The nature of religion
Students understand that many people find meaning and purpose in life through religion.Outcome 2 – The influence of religion
Students understand the role religion plays in the lives of individuals and in society.Outcome 3 – Religious inquiry skills
Students use religious inquiry and learning skills to investigate their understandings of the interplay between religion and life.